Why’s it so quiet around here?

Hey all! It’s been really quiet around the blog lately. In fact, it’s been quiet for a while now. I did threaten to bring back this blog once, but I lost interest quickly, unfortunately. The fact is, I’m not finding much time for blogging anymore. Nowadays, I’m far more active on YouTube, Twitter, Vine, Facebook (barely), and forums. Especially with my animation, I find it easier to simply tweet about things than to make a whole blog post. However, maybe I will eventually revive this old blog and do something with it. So, if you’re missing me (which, if you are, you probably need to go see a psychiatrist :P), you can check out my social media pages, and we can chat there:

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/rioforce

Twitter: https://twitter.com/_rioforce

Vine: https://vine.co/u/1277152170340667392

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Rioforce-Animations-889986401033861/



Balancing Animation with the YouTube System

YouTube-Animation-BalanceSo, you’re an animator. You know the insides and out of the animation process, and you understand what it is to make good content that is worth both your time and the viewers time. Good for you! But what happens when you want to grow your YouTube audience and attempt to be a “popular” YouTube animator?

The problem is, it’s basically impossible to be a YouTube animation “star” unless you have a team of people that can work quickly and devote tons of hours into animation.

Now, popularity isn’t everything. Getting popular on YouTube shouldn’t be your life’s goal. YouTube stars rise and fall more quickly than the Roman Empire. As a filmmaker, you should strive to make great content and express yourself in the videos you create. However, there is always that “I want to get my content watched by more people” feeling.

So that’s where I will begin. With you, the animator, wanting to grow your YouTube fanbase and gain visibility.

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The Family of Hael Storm (A LEGO Universe Adventure)


You may think that Hael Storm, the Venture League faction leader from LEGO Universe is just a space pirate/overall awesome explorer. You are right at first, but there is much more underneath the surface. Today, I will explain the secrets of Hael Storm’s family:

Princess Storm

cas034In the first Knights Kingdom LEGO theme, there was a king named King Leo. He had a daughter named Princess Storm. She was no ordinary princess, though. She didn’t hide in towers and wear a fluffy dress. She was in the knight’s army. She fought along with the strong men, and ended up defeating Cedric the Bull in the LEGO Adventures! Magazine Issue 15. She obviously had a very adventurous spirit, but also had pride for her kingdom and loved being a knight. She could only be related to Hael Storm if Storm was her last name, instead of her first name. It would only make sense that it was he last name, though, because who would name their daughter Storm?

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LEGO Universe’s Fourth Birthday

Happy Birthday, LEGO Universe!

Four years ago, on October 26, 2010, LEGO Universe officially opened it’s doors to the public. LEGO Universe was LEGO first (and greatest!) Massively Multiplayer Online Game. I was lucky enough to be invited to the Closed Beta in March 2010, so I have been a long-time fan of LEGO Universe. However, I did not play the fully released LEGO Universe until it’s Free-to-play version came out in August 2011. LEGO Universe is close to my heart, because it pulled me out of my short “Dark Ages” of LEGO and effected my life greatly. Because of it, I took up the art of 3D modeling and rendering, and brickfilming. This is why I always celebrate it’s birthday. Even though the game closed soon after it’s first birthday in 2012, I cannot stop thinking about it. πŸ™‚

(Ok, I know that this post makes it sound like I was a complete LEGO Universe addict, but I honestly really like the game and the entire theme of it!)

In honor of the fourth birthday of LEGO Universe, I have created a render like I did last year (although not on as grand of a scale. πŸ˜‰ ). You can check out last year’s render here: LEGO Universe’s Third Birthday

LEGO Universe's Fourth Birthday

Download for Desktop Wallpaper

May 2014 LEGO Store Loot

Yesterday, May 27, 2014, I went to the LEGO Store. I went to The LEGO Store for one specific reason. Not to buy a modular building, not to buy Mixels, not to buy a VIP set, not to buy a book, and not to buy a discount item. I went for the Pick a Brick. I needed to stock up on basic bricks. As you can see, I was building a 3-wall house for a Brickfilm, and I ran out of white bricks to finish the house. So I had to use yellow.

The house

I have had this problem in other creations too. Well, I went to the store on a mission and I completed this mission. This is the third time I have ever been to a LEGO Store, and the second time I’ve used Pick a Brick. Yes, I’m counting. But that’s not the only thing I’m counting…

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It’s Difficult to be a Adventurer (Story)

This is a short story I wrote for school. It’s not very good in composition, because I really didn’t work very hard on it, but I thought I’d post it here on my blog anyway for your enjoyment. There are some references you might not get unless you played LEGO Universe and know about the LEGO Adventurers and Pharaoh’s Quest themes. Be sure to read it in Johnny Thunder’s voice. πŸ˜‰ If you have no idea who Johnny Thunder is, he’s an Australian adventurer that looks like this:



It’s Difficult to be an Adventurer

By rioforce

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LEGO R2D2 Drawing


A few weeks ago, I got a large piece of cardboard, so I said I would draw a picture on it so I could have something to put on my boring wall.
Well, today, I finally drew on the cardboard, and this is what I came up with! I sketched it out on normal paper, then drew it on the cardboard with pencil, then colored it in with crayons while I ate pound cake! πŸ˜€

6 Reasons to Give up Blender

If you are new in Blender, or even if you are an experienced Blender user, you can be frustrated with the software at times. And odds are, this might just be you:


So, here are some excellent reasons to give up!

1. Cycles: Its tough to get started with! Nodes are so complicated! Render times are longer.

2. Lighting and Shaders: Getting perfect lighting is so hard! Why aren’t there presets or something to make it easier?

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Teen Talent

Hey guys! I won’t be making any other Blender progress in any of my other projects until after March sometime. Teen-Talent is coming up and I want to make a movie to enter. The only thing is, I did not know the registration deadline is April 1st wich leaves me with 28 days to make and render an entire (5-15 minute-ish) movie! So, I’ll have very limited activity on the web until I get this movie done. Just so you know!
