(un)denial – Brickfilm

Here’s a film I made for Bricks in Motion’s “The Citizen of the Year LIVES” contest. I made the film in September, couldn’t release it until November 1st. I keep forgetting that I have a blog around here, so this post is a bit late, but not too terribly late, I suppose.

I also made this for the secondary TCOTY Lives contest, which was an art contest:

Sola Luna

I made this film for Bricks in Motion’s contest Darkness & Light. I won’t give much away about the plot so that you will watch it, but I can tell you that I had a lot of fun working on this classic space inspired movie. Hear that? Classic space! Yeah, you know you’re a sucker for classic space! Oh, you’re not reading this anymore, you watching it? That’s fine with me! 😉

UPDATE: I came in first place in Darkness & Light! Thank you all for your support and for enjoying the video! 🙂

The Surveillance Situation • Behind the Scenes

On July 18th, an annual week-long LEGO animation contest started on BricksInMotion.com. It is called BRAWL 2015 (Brickfilm Rapidly All Week Long), and contestants are to, like it’s name implies, make a brickfilm in one week. I entered said contest, and produced the following video:

The Surveillance Situation

This film is based on a series of films I began in BRAWL 2014. This series follows Captain D. Rom, a very goofy cop with a sidekick named Laura (who seems to end up being the unnoticed real hero). You can watch the other two Captain D. Rom films here:

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New Recruits (THAC XII)

Captain D. Rom is the best cop around. Sometimes he is a little too good. While looking for new police officers, he looses control and launches into interigation mode in the comedic police brickfilm.

Voice Actors:
Harrison Allen: https://www.youtube.comannoyingnoisesinc
Walter Benson: https://www.youtube.com/walterbensonvids
Brick7: http://www.bricksinmotion.com/forums/…

MADE IN (under) 24 HOURS! Yep, that’s right. I started at 7:00 am on January 3, 2015, and am ending when this finished uploading at about 5:00 am on the 4th. Made for a contest on BricksInMotion.com called THAC XII (That’s “Twenty-four Hour Animation Contest 12).

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Christmas Puppy Love

The happy tale of two dogs who have fun in the snow.

Behind the Scenes

As you can tell in the video, I used powder for the snow. What kind of powder you ask? Baking Soda. I used Baking Soda instead of sugar or flour, because sugar tends to be sticky (especially when it soaks up the humidity from the air), and flour can be a pain to clean up (because when you mix flour and water, you get dough!).

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7 Years of Luke Action Films!

Screenshot (154)Howdy everybody! Seven years ago, on December 10th 2007, I sat down in my living room floor, grabbed my Dad’s camera and some LEGO bricks, and started making a movie. Little did I know then that I would still me doing that today. Ok, not exactly that. I don’t sit in the floor anymore, I have my own camera now, I actually write scripts and build more elaborate sets, and have proper lighting. As you can see, a lot has changed in seven years. In fact, if you’d like to see just how much has changed, be my guest. My very first stop-motion animation was based on the LEGO Nativity Story from Luke 2.

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