The Surveillance Situation • Behind the Scenes

On July 18th, an annual week-long LEGO animation contest started on It is called BRAWL 2015 (Brickfilm Rapidly All Week Long), and contestants are to, like it’s name implies, make a brickfilm in one week. I entered said contest, and produced the following video:

The Surveillance Situation

This film is based on a series of films I began in BRAWL 2014. This series follows Captain D. Rom, a very goofy cop with a sidekick named Laura (who seems to end up being the unnoticed real hero). You can watch the other two Captain D. Rom films here:

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Christmas Puppy Love

The happy tale of two dogs who have fun in the snow.

Behind the Scenes

As you can tell in the video, I used powder for the snow. What kind of powder you ask? Baking Soda. I used Baking Soda instead of sugar or flour, because sugar tends to be sticky (especially when it soaks up the humidity from the air), and flour can be a pain to clean up (because when you mix flour and water, you get dough!).

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LEGO Universe’s Third Birthday

LEGO Universe Third Bithday Render - DesktopDownload for Desktop Wallpaper

This is a render I made on October 14-22. This render is in honor of LEGO’s first MMOG, LEGO Universe. You may know that today, October 26, 2013 is it’s third birthday. Unfortunately, it closed in 2012, but that doesn’t mean we cannot celebrate it’s birthday still! 😀

This render is in the 16:9 aspect ratio, so it’s perfect for most computers to have as a desktop wallpaper! If you would like to download it for your desktop, click the link below the picture. 🙂

Made in Blender entirely by me, rioforce. Concepts from LEGO Universe. Textures made in Blender, Photoshop, Inkscape, and Serif DrawPlus x3. The LEGO and LEGO Universe logos are not made by me, rather they are from LEGO Universe. Rendered in Blender Cycles at 3000 samples. Fire and Jetpack effects rendered in Blender Internal.
