LEGO Racers Music Modding Tutorial By Rioforce

Hi all! You may have seen le717’s Custom LEGO Racers Audio Tutorial. It is a very good tutorial, it explains how to set up custom music files to put into LEGO Racers, and how to re-sample it, and lots of good stuff. There was just one error with his method: The music came out grainy and the music was always changing volumes. Originally, the LEGO Racers modding fans thought that it an error with the fluctuation of volume in the music track, and they were right. And I figured out how to fix that error and get the music to play properly. Here’s the new and completely working way of importing custom music into LEGO Racers!

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Jungle Boy Photo Shoot

I sat down with Jungle Boy from the LEGO Minifigures Series 7 last week for an interview. He was going to do the interview, but he saw the camera and instantly became a ham. So, instead of an interview, we got a cool photo shoot. Enjoy! 😀

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Mountain Airlines

(Can’t access Vimeo? Try watching it on YouTube!

This is a render and video that originated when I was playing wth the “Start and End Bevel Factor” amount in Blender on my Bezier Curves. So, I drew a picture on paper, traced it over with curves, and rendered it in Cycles. Then, I animated it in Blender Render.


Music by me (a long time ago) using Music loops.

Paper texture by me.

Modeled, rendered, and composted by me.

Yellow’s Jacket (Render)

Yellow's Jacket - Render by Rioforce

This is a render I made this week. I started it on Sunday, December 30, 2012. It was fun to make and I had a great time doing it. It took a while to get faster render settings. Cycles takes forever on my CPU. 😛 Anyway, enjoy this little play on a yellow jacket!

Here’s a little gallery of the process:


Wood textures, cloth textures, and brick texture from

Wing texture from

Comic Book textures from LEGO City Comic Builder.

Rendered with Blender 2.65.4 (December 31, 2012 nightly build).

2013, Rioforce.